Saturday, August 7, 2021

real cases of shadow people

 Real cases of shadow people! Have you ever seen a shadow person? I have and it was terrifying! This blog post has real cases of shadow people that were submitted to me. Read on if you dare... The most frightening thing about shadow people is that they're not just a figment of your imagination. Shadow people have been documented in real life and many believe there's more to them than meets the eye. In this blog post, I'm going to take you through some cases of shadow people and what they might mean for you. 

A lot of us think that we've seen a shadow person at one point or another but it's hard to know if it was really happening or if we were just seeing things...with so little information on these paranormal beings, their existence can be confusing. That being said, here are some real-life stories and encounters with these mysterious figures! Shadow people are a terrifying phenomenon that is talked about in urban legends and folklore. But what really happens when you see one? 

real cases of shadow people

Shadow people are real and they're not just a figment of your imagination. If you've ever seen one, I'm sure it was terrifying. I've had the privilege to speak with some shadow person witnesses who submitted their cases to me in this blog post. You might be surprised by what these brave souls have experienced when encountering one of these mysterious entities! Read on if you dare... Here are some real cases of shadow people! 

shadow people stories

I was walking down the street last night when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I turned to take a closer look and found myself face-to-face with what looked like a person made completely of shadows! It was wearing a hat and coat, just like me, but it had no features at all. The only thing that I could make out on its face were two terrifying eyes set deep into the recesses of those shadowy sockets. It gave me one good stare before disappearing for good.

No one knows where they come from. They creep in through your blinds and peer into your soul as you sleep. You feel them before you see them, their icy breath on the back of your neck and their cold fingers running up and down the length of your spine. Sometimes they just stand there, watching, waiting for something to happen but other times they do things like throw objects around or make strange noises that can't be explained. They're never a friendly thing so if you ever see one run away!

I heard a noise in the hallway. I thought it was just my imagination, but then I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. The shadow slowly crept up to me and when it was inches away from me, it disappeared. I ran as fast as I could to get help!

I was walking home from school and I felt this horrible feeling of dread. It suddenly got so much colder, too! I started to walk faster but then all these shadows surrounded me! They were everywhere! And they looked like people from the past, like my grandparents or something. But then one came up to me and said, "You have been our prisoner for years." I screamed as loud as I could and ran as fast as I could away from them.

I was always scared of darkness because my mom told me that dark places were where the monsters and other creepy things lived. I had heard stories about people seeing shadow people before, but I thought it was just a story for kids to scare them into behaving. One night when I couldn't sleep, my curiosity got the best of me and I pulled out my flashlight from under my pillow. The hallway seemed too long as I walked down it and shivered when the lights started flickering on and off as if something deep within those shadows wanted to keep me away so badly. As soon as I rounded the corner at the end of the hall, there she was; standing in front of a closed door staring right back at me with her creepy eyes!

I had just finished watching a scary movie when my phone rang. It was the middle of the night and I knew it wasn't good news because of the time. The voice on the other end sounded shaky and terrified. "Hello?" I answered, trying to sound calm.

"There's someone in my house! There is a shadow person playing with me!" she said urgently before hanging up right away. I tried calling her back but all I got was her voicemail greeting telling me that her mailbox was full so she couldn’t answer any calls at this time. My heart pounded in terror as realization dawned upon me - there really were people out there who could see through shadows!

I was walking home from the store when I saw a shadowy figure lurking in an alley. I wanted to scream but before I could, it disappeared.

The next day at school, my friends and classmates would talk about how they had seen these strange shadow people too. They reported that one of them followed them down the street and another one poked their friend on the shoulder and then ran off! It's hard to believe at first because you think these are just kids making up stories for attention, but when you see something yourself... there is no denying it anymore.

I've seen my fair share of shadow people and the feeling is anything but pleasant. If you're curious about these elusive creatures, please read on to learn more. You might find it interesting that they exist outside of your imagination and can be documented in real life. Have you ever seen a shadow person? What was your experience like? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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