Sunday, August 8, 2021

Shadow People The Hat Man

 If having to deal with shadow people a.k.a. shadow figures weren’t enough, there seems to be a single ominous entity or type of entity that is regularly showing up. While shadow people seem to manifest to individuals as these blacker than black nondescript shadows, mists, or black masses, there seems to be someone or something appearing more often in these horrifying encounters around the world. In fact, this supernatural being has appeared so often to folks nowadays it has been given a name, “The Hat Man “. 

The Hat Man is a black figure often seen with a hat. His head is usually turned away from the witness, but you can see an outline of his face, which appears to be that of a white man, or it can look like he has no face at all... just a black hat. It appears as if he is afraid of being seen by the witness, and often has to move around in order to avoid being noticed.

Shadow People The Hat Man

What’s even more unnerving about this creature is the fact that it seems to be able to make a sound, which actually gives him away and gives the witness time to get out of harm’s way. If one hears a noise that sounds like footsteps coming up behind them, it usually means they have seen The Hat Man. Witnesses have reported this entity appearing in several different parts of the world, specifically in Australia, Canada, Europe, and South America.

The "Hat Man" is known by several different names, such as the Gray Man, the Shadow Man, or the Black Hat Man. He is usually described with a hat and appears to be a dark silhouette of an adult male. In some encounters, the Hat Man is described as wearing a cowboy hat, a fedora, or an older top hat, and sometimes wearing a black cloak, ensemble, or even a goatee. The phenomenon has been observed in almost every country on earth and has been dated back to at least around 1900. The most notable reports of his appearance took place in a farmhouse in Amityville, Long Island (1975), a hotel in Lake Worth, Florida (1976) and a private home in Branton Woods, New Jersey (1986).

Regardless of when or what situation the Hat Man appears in, the entity seems to be drawn to, creates, or foretells calamity, bad luck, ill-health, or even death. It is believed that the Hat Man appears to people when they are in crisis or locked up in prison which is why it is sometimes called "The Shadow Man". He is also said to appear to victims of fires and natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and landslides.

There are several explanations for the phenomenon, but many believe that it's a visitation of malevolent spirits. In fact, many believe that the Hat Man is the spirit of a man who was killed in either World War I or II, perhaps executed by his own army for cowardice if he did not return to his post. It is said that his spirit walks the earth and appears in groups or alone; to those about to die, those who are terminally ill, or to people who have been locked up in solitary confinement. Others believe that it might be an alien from another planet or dimension.

Researchers are still trying to figure out what this entity actually is. Is it a ghost? An alien? A demonic force? Some sort of guardian angel? A person? These are answers that we may never learn. It is not believed that anyone has been harmed or killed by this spirit, and he seems to be just a curious entity watching our planet in the middle of the night. Only time will tell.

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