Do shadow people follow you when you move? What if they are following you, but you’re not able to see them? What about ghosts? Are these uncommon phenomena or is this a common occurrence? Read on to find out what the answer may be. People have been discussing the issue of shadow people for a while now. There’s plenty of people who claim they experience it or have seen them, and there are some who deny its existence. Have you ever seen one? Many people claimed to have seen shadow people before. Some of them even claim to hear them whisper or move around.
Some say they were unable to see anything but their shape, while some talk about their red eyes glowing in the dark. There are also those who claim to have nothing more but their presence. It’s a strange thing that has troubled millions of people over the decades. People have seen them, even without being able to describe them in words. Some said they had no face, others said that they had two arms and two legs. They also claimed to be in shape similar to ours, though some say the ones they see look like a shadow or ghost, which is why some people can’t identify their exact form. Others admitted that they saw them moving along with them, whether they are in their bedroom or when they’re traveling in a car at night. Others said there is a presence that follows them every time they go to bed, sometimes even during the day as well. It moves along with them, a blackish form that just follows them around. It seems like it is always there and just a part of them now.
There are people who claim they are being haunted by shadow people. Shadow people are said to follow the person, often in their home. Some say they only see them at night, and others claim that they feel as if their shadow is alive and with them all the time. Mythology says these creatures are a part of an individual's psyche or spirit that they can't get rid of. It could be that shadow people are just hallucinations caused by schizophrenia or other mental health disorders or maybe not!
A number of people have claimed to encounter these paranormal entities. The shadow people claim that they are conscious beings, meaning that they might be alive or dead. Fearing the shadows, most people don't want to see them and claim not to. This could cause a case of social anxiety for the person experiencing this type of hallucination. There are a number of different types of shadow people. Shadow people have been seen in a number of places such as hospitals, hotels, and even as evidence at murder sites. According to many people who have encountered them there is no way for them to know that it was actually a shadow person.
They also claimed that seeing these beings is not always a good thing. Some even said they feel an evil presence when they see one of these shadow people hovering near them, or at least when it is nearby. They also said when they see one that their heart begins to pound faster, some have the urge to run away from where the shadow person is located and others have the urge to touch it but do not because they’re scared that something may happen when they do.
There are also those who said shadow people follow them when they walk down the street. These people claim that the phenomenon is just there when they walk by a place where there used to be a murder or some other type of bad incident involving death or violence. Some of these people talk about how shadow people always appear when they enter a room. They can’t see it but it’s definitely there because nobody can be inside and not know that another person is present. But these are just all speculations from every individual experience of seeing one shadow person, hearing their whispers and movements, feeling their presence even when they do not see anything.
Some of these shadow people are said to be evil, according to eyewitnesses and those who claim they themselves have seen them. Others told that the presence only seems to follow them around like a ghost, but it isn’t a human ghost. They claim that it is something completely different. Another time that some people are looking for and look at them is when they encounter one of these shadow people in the dark.
The consensus within ghost hunting communities seems to be that shadow people are quite common and most likely have some type of relationship with the person they are following. People who believe that there are shadow people are also prone to believe in the demonic. While shadow people do not always invoke fear, their presence is quite unnerving for many if not most people. It is common for the appearance of these ghost-like figures to be accompanied by another thought or feeling. Many of the sightings are reported as being “terrifying” and “dangerous” with feelings of unease that cannot be described in words.
Although there are no universally accepted theories, shadow people are generally thought to be the human form of an entity that is earthbound and trapped in this dimension. They may also be thought of as "spirit guides" who have reached a level of advancement where they can move about in the spirit world without being visible to the living.
One theory suggests that they act as projections from our subconscious. They could be "projections" from our higher self, our emotional self or even a physical manifestation during sleep paralysis. This idea is derived from one study where it was discovered that by shining light on a shadow person it would disappear or dissipate. It was suggested that some kind of spirit was moved by the light and suddenly disappeared.
In conclusion, it is difficult to determine if shadow people are following you. For some they may be a figment of your imagination or simply tricks of the light and shadows from natural sources such as fireplaces, lamps, candles in windows etc. Others believe that there is something more sinister about these apparitions which follow their every move no matter where they go. There's not enough evidence one way or another so either way seems plausible at this time but both explanations seem equally terrifying!
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