Monday, June 21, 2021

shadow people in dreams

 Shadow people in my dreams, why? Very dramatic question and circumstances. A shadow person is a dark shape that moves across the ground and looks like a human. The term is used to describe people who are seen, but when one reaches out to touch them, they feel no physical form. This phenomenon could be related to sleep paralysis, hallucination, or something much more malevolent.

Most commonly shadow people are seen at night and in dark areas such as homes or near forests. They're very scary because of their appearance but it's hard for people to see them all the time so it's usually just happening in dreams during sleep deprivation or stress.

shadow people in dreams

It's reported that shadow people are pretty harmless and mostly display the shape of a human being. It was seen in female as well as male forms, and it was reported to be only one person at a time. They move silently, hopping or slinking across the floor without making any sound. If these shadow people are related to sleep paralysis, then it would make sense why they're unseen by others during their waking state, although this has not been verified anywhere yet.

Mainstream science says it's a hallucination, but it doesn't feel like that. Tell that to the victims of the hat man awake and in their dreams. I think it's a mix of both, I mean sometimes it feels like a dream, and other times it feels like you're paralyzed but you can move your eyes to look around.

There have been many reports of shadow people and while they're not as prevalent as ghosts or spirits, there are enough stories to warrant further look into the matter. People have reported seeing them in their homes, near stones or rocks in the forest at day time, and even coming out of their television sets. So far, the only sure way to avoid a shadow person is just to stay away from places that are dark and foreboding at night. And to always try to keep a positive attitude, they seem to seek fear and pain from their victims.

They say jokingly that if you keep them happy, they'll keep you happy. For me personally, I have never seen one of these creatures but I have often heard them in the dark. They sound like muffled voices or whispers, but some people say they sound like screaming and wailing. The funny thing is that it doesn't seem to bother me as much as other people. It's probably because I've heard so many of the "shadow people" stories that it doesn't scare me anymore. Or it could be because I am used to loud noises and cries in the night from my neighbors and their children.

As for why you might see them in your dreams, it seems paranormal beings in general such as ghosts and shadow people can communicate to us in our dreams when other attempts have failed. They might be trying to make you aware of the potential danger they call out to warn you away from. They can also strike fear in you hoping that's enough to keep you away or leaving that place.

Shadow people have been seen by many and the truth of their existence still remains unknown. Is it really shadow people, or is it some form of alien life? If so, is it the Greys, Reptilian, or something else? There's not enough information available yet and the phenomenon has not been well documented enough to explain exactly what these creatures are. One thing for sure is that shadow people are out there somewhere ready to strike at any moment. Some say they might try and help us while others say they're out for blood!

While the shadow people are usually harmless, don't underestimate them just because they're intangible. They can cause damage and they are very capable of hurting or even killing people. The closest explanation I have heard is that these shadow people are negative energy that the victims bring on themselves by being unhappy or afraid. If I had a message for them, then it's to leave those kinds of emotions and thoughts alone because if we attract negative energy, then we will start attracting negative things in our life and that's exactly what happened to many people all over the world who claim to have seen shadow people. 

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