Sunday, June 20, 2021

Are shadow people real

Are shadow people real? What do they desire? Dare to read on? Shadow people are a type of anomalous phenomenon that involves the presence of disembodied human-like shadows. They walk around, speak, and interact with those who see them. Some say they are spirits and some say they are merely projections from other dimensions. The shadow people can be seen at any time or place but when darkness comes over the world, it's like their appearance is multiplied by hundreds of others...

They have been observed for hundreds of years, but shadow encounters seem to have increased fairly recently. Many people claim it is more common in areas where there have been instances of death and pain, others claim UFO and alien sightings. Most of these encounters occur at night, and when the sun sets the shadow people become alive.

Are shadow people real

There are many stories about shadow people's hauntings. Some say they will follow and torment you to the ends of the Earth, some say they try to push you off a cliff or push you into a hole, and then there are some who say you have been possessed by a shadow being...

The shadow people are the most mysterious type of being in our world. They have never been caught on camera or videotape. Throughout the year's different kinds of theories have been made to explain this phenomenon. Some say they are demons; others claim they are aliens and even a few say they are the spirits of dead people and sometimes even living humans. Whatever they are, we don't know much about them but one thing is for sure - there is something going on...

They are normally encountered by a single person, but the more they see, the more they encounter. They may even be seen by multiple people at once, but no one can agree on why they are appearing so commonly. Who are the shadow people? We still don't know. Who are we? Simple questions with complex answers... maybe...

They are also called 'shadow creatures ', but the names vary depending on the sighting. Their sightings have been seen all over the world. They often appear out of seemingly nowhere, but those who see them say if you have had a recent death in your family or are fearful of something, it might be a reflection of your past or a foreshadowing of your future. So, why do we see them? Where do they come from? It is claimed they can come from anywhere... They seem to like to roam around graveyards and abandoned houses... The graveyards and abandoned houses could be linked to their arrival...

But the question is are they real? To the folks who claim to encounter them, they are quite real.  They seem to be among us and to exist in our world. Most people are not so sure... but they would like to believe they are just another illusion, a human projection of our fears.  Some say they are shapeshifting entities and their appearance is based on their environment... Some claim they have a form of animalistic intelligence, but others claim to have seen them with human-like features. One thing they are not is a dream or simply some type of hallucination.

This said that the ones that encounter shadow people are not crazy. They are sane and they have a good grasp of what is happening to them. Many people's reaction to shadow people is extreme fear or anger. They try to run from it because they do not know how it will affect them, but when they run, the shadow people just follow them like a pack of wolves.  The shadow people seem to be everywhere, even in the daylight... We cannot ignore their existence just because we do not know about them or what they are...

My best advice, see a shadow being; leave it alone. Hopefully, it leaves you alone in return. So, are they the cause of your bad luck? You don't know until you encounter them, but they do not seem to be the source of misfortune if that is what you fear. They seem more like a warning sign. Perhaps, it's good to heed their warnings since they do not seem to be happy with our presence in their world... It is hard to say if they are following you or just traveling through your life as part of the natural order.

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