Sunday, June 20, 2021

why do i see shadow people

Why do I see shadow people? What do they seek? Try to read on? What are the symptoms? You can find a lot of information online about shadow people. This article will go through the various types of shadow people so you can better understand what's going on and prepare yourself for whatever it is that your shadow person may want from you. This will also go through some coping strategies and how to stay safe in regard to any paranormal encounters with these guys. The answer to all these questions and more will be answered.

Shadow people are figures or silhouettes often seen at night or in dark places, and sometimes during the daytime. They seem to have no clear shape or form (or they may appear as if they're cloaked) but have two large eyes that can be described as either glowing yellow or red. They are often seen in the presence of or near death, or in places that are supposedly haunted. Those who experience this phenomenon will often see these shadows in a quick fleeting movement and at times these shadow people will chase after people. In some instances, however, these shadow people are not negative but rather positive, benevolent paranormal beings that will follow and protect you. Sometimes, they don't just appear but also interact with the person who sees them-walking alongside them, for example-and then vanish without any explanation whatsoever.

why do i see shadow people

Characteristics of Shadow People:

There are many different types of shadow people. They have different appearances depending on the individual seeing them. There is a female type of shadow person known as "The White Lady," which takes the form of a tall and slender woman clad completely in white with no facial features whatsoever. 

The shadow men are the kind with which you may see on the streets at night or in a deserted area during the day. They wear dark clothing and have no facial features except for a pair of glowing yellow eyes. A malevolent type of shadow man is one that is said to either follow people home or actually break into your home and attack you while you sleep. He is said to have long arms and legs and wears a dark suit.

These shadow people are usually considered harmless apparitions; however, some say that it has something to do with death and dying. Others believe that shadow people are demonic beings preying on the sick. Whether mentally or physically sick, it does not seem to matter. As to what these shadow people want and why they appear, people have many different theories.

Although a person who has seen a shadow person may not be able to say for sure what they are exactly, they can tell you how it made them feel. Most of the time, people who have had this experience describe feeling uneasy or frightened. Some have said that their heart even starts beating really fast at the sight of one. However, upon looking away, the shadow person will disappear; some say it's almost as if it goes back into whatever world it came from-it comes out only when someone sees it. A large percentage of the population has seen at least one shadow person in their lifetime.

What do shadow people seek?

Shadow people aren't really seeking anything-the only thing that they want is to scare the person who sees them. They just want to mess up the person's mind; make him/her paranoid and afraid in order to get what they want. However, these shadow figures generally don't harm those who see them and prefer to sneakily scare people from behind without their notice.

Sometimes, the shadow person appears in a dream of the person who sees it. This dream is pretty much exactly how the figure was seen in real life. The dream may also have a long-lasting effect on someone who had encountered one of these creatures before.

The shadow people are generally described as looking like they're wearing cloaks or robes. Their eyes are always surrounded by dark colors (black, brown, or dark gray). In some cases, they appear as a man with long black hair. Of course, this does not mean that one will only see shadow people wearing those kinds of clothes.

If the shadow person is an evil presence preying on the sick and dying, why do so many innocent people see them? It could be that innocent people have seen these creatures because they've experienced great sorrow during their lifetime. Their souls may have been shaken up a bit and are now destined to appear to others in order to comfort them as well as help them on their path to death.

The shadow man is a common creature to see in haunted houses as well. He appears very often when the person who sees him is being awakened by an evil spirit. The shadow man does not have a very good reputation, as he usually creeps up on someone and tries to scare them. However, some people who have seen one say that it's actually someone who has died; an innocent soul wandering around in the world for one last time.

You can test whether or not your house is really haunted by seeing if any of your friends or family members get a strange look on their faces when you ask them where they've been lately. They may have seen a ghost walking around your house!

Most shadow people only appear in times of distress. They might appear as you're on your deathbed, or as you're about to go skydiving for the first time. They do not show up just to play tricks on people. Only when there is a true need for them to be there will they make themselves seen.

What are the symptoms?

Although everyone is different, there are certain symptoms that people exhibit after they see a shadow person. The most common ones are paranoia and fear, not only when they're alone but also when they're around other people. In addition, shadow people are known to cause people to begin acting erratically, such as seeking out their loved ones for reassurance and then running away in the middle of a conversation.

What causes them?

There is no clear cause of this strange phenomenon. However, one theory behind these strange creatures is that they are ghosts from the spirit world (hello poltergeists!). These ghosts might have died alone and unknown and now still feel that they need to stay with you and help you through your life. 

Another theory is that shadow people are actually aliens from space. These aliens have been watching over our planet for centuries and have learned to adapt to life on Earth over the years.

How can I stop seeing them?

Shadow people are known to cause anxiety and fear within an individual. If you begin to feel that these creatures are not safe, it's best to keep away from them. Do not allow them to follow you around the house or follow you outside of your home; just walk away and ignore their presence.

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