Monday, June 21, 2021

Types of shadow people

 shadow people? Types of shadow people? Yes, it is not a Harry Potter reference but then, what are we talking about? Shadow people. Shadow people can be a wide spectrum of occurrences. It may be the fleeting impression of someone's shape cast against a surface as they walk by. It could be the phantasmal feeling that you are being followed or watched. No matter what type of shadow person experience occurs, there is always one certainty: There is no mistaking the sensation that someone else has entered your private space and personal time in your own home or establishment and causes you to feel unsafe, uncomfortable...and violated.

I've never had a personal encounter with a shadow person. I've read about the different types of shadow people and there are thousands of authors who have written books about their encounters with them. I don’t know if this is paranormal, religious, or purely psychological in nature, but I am very skeptical when it comes to these types of encounters. Even though I've never had one personally, there are many things that happen in everyday life that cause me to think that something more unexplainable is going on around us.

Types of shadow people

shadow souls, what are they?

Shadow people may represent spirits, ghosts, apparitions, souls of the dead, or angelic beings...who are there to warn us. They all seem to have one thing in common: They are here to communicate something to us. In some cases, they become so bothersome that they need to be physically removed from the area or perhaps even the planet. This removal process is called shadow clearing and it will be discussed at length later.

shadow people? What do they want?

Shadow people are not always an indication of a problem or warning sign that someone is about to cross over from this side into the other side. We do know they are feeding off of your energy and they need your energy to survive. However, some shadow entities may not have a consciousness of their own. They are simply in the state of transition between light and dark. They are here to observe. To learn, in a sense, how we live our lives. They may have witnessed something in your daily routine and want to learn more about you.

shadow people? What do they look like?

Shadow people come in very different shapes and forms. The way they choose to appear before you are generally the way that they would have appeared when alive. If someone died as a child, chances are good that their shadow self will be childlike in appearance. If they died in their youth, chances are good that the shadow self will be young. If a person dies in old age, they may appear older or younger. These shapes are the same as any human being. There is a lot of variety when it comes to shadow people as well. 

shadow people? What do I do if I see one?

You should be concerned if you have seen a shadow person more than once or twice. Shadow clearing practitioners are also seeing them just as much, if not more often because they may spend time in places where the negative energies might be stronger. They feed on negative energies just like any other entity does and if you allow them to stay long enough, you might find that you have no personal time at all...that is until you call in a professional.

In conclusion, do not be afraid of shadow people. They are usually nothing more than an indicator that you are somehow off-balance in your environment and need to do some restructuring in order to get back on track. Just like a person who is tired or otherwise unbalanced, the shadow person can be a great teacher of how to get back on track with life and living.

shadow people in dreams

 Shadow people in my dreams, why? Very dramatic question and circumstances. A shadow person is a dark shape that moves across the ground and looks like a human. The term is used to describe people who are seen, but when one reaches out to touch them, they feel no physical form. This phenomenon could be related to sleep paralysis, hallucination, or something much more malevolent.

Most commonly shadow people are seen at night and in dark areas such as homes or near forests. They're very scary because of their appearance but it's hard for people to see them all the time so it's usually just happening in dreams during sleep deprivation or stress.

shadow people in dreams

It's reported that shadow people are pretty harmless and mostly display the shape of a human being. It was seen in female as well as male forms, and it was reported to be only one person at a time. They move silently, hopping or slinking across the floor without making any sound. If these shadow people are related to sleep paralysis, then it would make sense why they're unseen by others during their waking state, although this has not been verified anywhere yet.

Mainstream science says it's a hallucination, but it doesn't feel like that. Tell that to the victims of the hat man awake and in their dreams. I think it's a mix of both, I mean sometimes it feels like a dream, and other times it feels like you're paralyzed but you can move your eyes to look around.

There have been many reports of shadow people and while they're not as prevalent as ghosts or spirits, there are enough stories to warrant further look into the matter. People have reported seeing them in their homes, near stones or rocks in the forest at day time, and even coming out of their television sets. So far, the only sure way to avoid a shadow person is just to stay away from places that are dark and foreboding at night. And to always try to keep a positive attitude, they seem to seek fear and pain from their victims.

They say jokingly that if you keep them happy, they'll keep you happy. For me personally, I have never seen one of these creatures but I have often heard them in the dark. They sound like muffled voices or whispers, but some people say they sound like screaming and wailing. The funny thing is that it doesn't seem to bother me as much as other people. It's probably because I've heard so many of the "shadow people" stories that it doesn't scare me anymore. Or it could be because I am used to loud noises and cries in the night from my neighbors and their children.

As for why you might see them in your dreams, it seems paranormal beings in general such as ghosts and shadow people can communicate to us in our dreams when other attempts have failed. They might be trying to make you aware of the potential danger they call out to warn you away from. They can also strike fear in you hoping that's enough to keep you away or leaving that place.

Shadow people have been seen by many and the truth of their existence still remains unknown. Is it really shadow people, or is it some form of alien life? If so, is it the Greys, Reptilian, or something else? There's not enough information available yet and the phenomenon has not been well documented enough to explain exactly what these creatures are. One thing for sure is that shadow people are out there somewhere ready to strike at any moment. Some say they might try and help us while others say they're out for blood!

While the shadow people are usually harmless, don't underestimate them just because they're intangible. They can cause damage and they are very capable of hurting or even killing people. The closest explanation I have heard is that these shadow people are negative energy that the victims bring on themselves by being unhappy or afraid. If I had a message for them, then it's to leave those kinds of emotions and thoughts alone because if we attract negative energy, then we will start attracting negative things in our life and that's exactly what happened to many people all over the world who claim to have seen shadow people. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

why do i see shadow people

Why do I see shadow people? What do they seek? Try to read on? What are the symptoms? You can find a lot of information online about shadow people. This article will go through the various types of shadow people so you can better understand what's going on and prepare yourself for whatever it is that your shadow person may want from you. This will also go through some coping strategies and how to stay safe in regard to any paranormal encounters with these guys. The answer to all these questions and more will be answered.

Shadow people are figures or silhouettes often seen at night or in dark places, and sometimes during the daytime. They seem to have no clear shape or form (or they may appear as if they're cloaked) but have two large eyes that can be described as either glowing yellow or red. They are often seen in the presence of or near death, or in places that are supposedly haunted. Those who experience this phenomenon will often see these shadows in a quick fleeting movement and at times these shadow people will chase after people. In some instances, however, these shadow people are not negative but rather positive, benevolent paranormal beings that will follow and protect you. Sometimes, they don't just appear but also interact with the person who sees them-walking alongside them, for example-and then vanish without any explanation whatsoever.

why do i see shadow people

Characteristics of Shadow People:

There are many different types of shadow people. They have different appearances depending on the individual seeing them. There is a female type of shadow person known as "The White Lady," which takes the form of a tall and slender woman clad completely in white with no facial features whatsoever. 

The shadow men are the kind with which you may see on the streets at night or in a deserted area during the day. They wear dark clothing and have no facial features except for a pair of glowing yellow eyes. A malevolent type of shadow man is one that is said to either follow people home or actually break into your home and attack you while you sleep. He is said to have long arms and legs and wears a dark suit.

These shadow people are usually considered harmless apparitions; however, some say that it has something to do with death and dying. Others believe that shadow people are demonic beings preying on the sick. Whether mentally or physically sick, it does not seem to matter. As to what these shadow people want and why they appear, people have many different theories.

Although a person who has seen a shadow person may not be able to say for sure what they are exactly, they can tell you how it made them feel. Most of the time, people who have had this experience describe feeling uneasy or frightened. Some have said that their heart even starts beating really fast at the sight of one. However, upon looking away, the shadow person will disappear; some say it's almost as if it goes back into whatever world it came from-it comes out only when someone sees it. A large percentage of the population has seen at least one shadow person in their lifetime.

What do shadow people seek?

Shadow people aren't really seeking anything-the only thing that they want is to scare the person who sees them. They just want to mess up the person's mind; make him/her paranoid and afraid in order to get what they want. However, these shadow figures generally don't harm those who see them and prefer to sneakily scare people from behind without their notice.

Sometimes, the shadow person appears in a dream of the person who sees it. This dream is pretty much exactly how the figure was seen in real life. The dream may also have a long-lasting effect on someone who had encountered one of these creatures before.

The shadow people are generally described as looking like they're wearing cloaks or robes. Their eyes are always surrounded by dark colors (black, brown, or dark gray). In some cases, they appear as a man with long black hair. Of course, this does not mean that one will only see shadow people wearing those kinds of clothes.

If the shadow person is an evil presence preying on the sick and dying, why do so many innocent people see them? It could be that innocent people have seen these creatures because they've experienced great sorrow during their lifetime. Their souls may have been shaken up a bit and are now destined to appear to others in order to comfort them as well as help them on their path to death.

The shadow man is a common creature to see in haunted houses as well. He appears very often when the person who sees him is being awakened by an evil spirit. The shadow man does not have a very good reputation, as he usually creeps up on someone and tries to scare them. However, some people who have seen one say that it's actually someone who has died; an innocent soul wandering around in the world for one last time.

You can test whether or not your house is really haunted by seeing if any of your friends or family members get a strange look on their faces when you ask them where they've been lately. They may have seen a ghost walking around your house!

Most shadow people only appear in times of distress. They might appear as you're on your deathbed, or as you're about to go skydiving for the first time. They do not show up just to play tricks on people. Only when there is a true need for them to be there will they make themselves seen.

What are the symptoms?

Although everyone is different, there are certain symptoms that people exhibit after they see a shadow person. The most common ones are paranoia and fear, not only when they're alone but also when they're around other people. In addition, shadow people are known to cause people to begin acting erratically, such as seeking out their loved ones for reassurance and then running away in the middle of a conversation.

What causes them?

There is no clear cause of this strange phenomenon. However, one theory behind these strange creatures is that they are ghosts from the spirit world (hello poltergeists!). These ghosts might have died alone and unknown and now still feel that they need to stay with you and help you through your life. 

Another theory is that shadow people are actually aliens from space. These aliens have been watching over our planet for centuries and have learned to adapt to life on Earth over the years.

How can I stop seeing them?

Shadow people are known to cause anxiety and fear within an individual. If you begin to feel that these creatures are not safe, it's best to keep away from them. Do not allow them to follow you around the house or follow you outside of your home; just walk away and ignore their presence.

Are shadow people real

Are shadow people real? What do they desire? Dare to read on? Shadow people are a type of anomalous phenomenon that involves the presence of disembodied human-like shadows. They walk around, speak, and interact with those who see them. Some say they are spirits and some say they are merely projections from other dimensions. The shadow people can be seen at any time or place but when darkness comes over the world, it's like their appearance is multiplied by hundreds of others...

They have been observed for hundreds of years, but shadow encounters seem to have increased fairly recently. Many people claim it is more common in areas where there have been instances of death and pain, others claim UFO and alien sightings. Most of these encounters occur at night, and when the sun sets the shadow people become alive.

Are shadow people real

There are many stories about shadow people's hauntings. Some say they will follow and torment you to the ends of the Earth, some say they try to push you off a cliff or push you into a hole, and then there are some who say you have been possessed by a shadow being...

The shadow people are the most mysterious type of being in our world. They have never been caught on camera or videotape. Throughout the year's different kinds of theories have been made to explain this phenomenon. Some say they are demons; others claim they are aliens and even a few say they are the spirits of dead people and sometimes even living humans. Whatever they are, we don't know much about them but one thing is for sure - there is something going on...

They are normally encountered by a single person, but the more they see, the more they encounter. They may even be seen by multiple people at once, but no one can agree on why they are appearing so commonly. Who are the shadow people? We still don't know. Who are we? Simple questions with complex answers... maybe...

They are also called 'shadow creatures ', but the names vary depending on the sighting. Their sightings have been seen all over the world. They often appear out of seemingly nowhere, but those who see them say if you have had a recent death in your family or are fearful of something, it might be a reflection of your past or a foreshadowing of your future. So, why do we see them? Where do they come from? It is claimed they can come from anywhere... They seem to like to roam around graveyards and abandoned houses... The graveyards and abandoned houses could be linked to their arrival...

But the question is are they real? To the folks who claim to encounter them, they are quite real.  They seem to be among us and to exist in our world. Most people are not so sure... but they would like to believe they are just another illusion, a human projection of our fears.  Some say they are shapeshifting entities and their appearance is based on their environment... Some claim they have a form of animalistic intelligence, but others claim to have seen them with human-like features. One thing they are not is a dream or simply some type of hallucination.

This said that the ones that encounter shadow people are not crazy. They are sane and they have a good grasp of what is happening to them. Many people's reaction to shadow people is extreme fear or anger. They try to run from it because they do not know how it will affect them, but when they run, the shadow people just follow them like a pack of wolves.  The shadow people seem to be everywhere, even in the daylight... We cannot ignore their existence just because we do not know about them or what they are...

My best advice, see a shadow being; leave it alone. Hopefully, it leaves you alone in return. So, are they the cause of your bad luck? You don't know until you encounter them, but they do not seem to be the source of misfortune if that is what you fear. They seem more like a warning sign. Perhaps, it's good to heed their warnings since they do not seem to be happy with our presence in their world... It is hard to say if they are following you or just traveling through your life as part of the natural order.

shadow people

 What are shadow people? What do they want? Dare to read on? Shadow people are beings that are always out of your sight but always present. These shadowy beings are able to enter your life in many different ways and shapes. They may sometimes be seen as sinister figments of imagination, or just plain annoying yet harmless spirits.

This article will give a brief overview of the history of shadow people, symptoms a shadow person leaves behind, shadow people and demonic possessions, some spiritual warfare tactics for fighting back against these dark visitors. Finally, it will provide helpful information on how to fight off these malevolent beings and ensure that they never come back into your life again!

shadow people

In general, shadow creatures are thought to be demonic beings of some type. This is because they are usually dark, malevolent, manipulative, and are constantly trying to hinder anyone that dares to fight back against them. Being as they are from a different dimension or realm of existence; their intentions are usually quite sinister. Often what appears to be a harmless spirit still has malevolent intentions or can possess a person and cause him/her harm.

In most cases, the shadow people will just try to meddle in your life on the fringes. However, if you allow them too much space in your life then they may eventually try to infiltrate and take over completely and then torment you even though you may not have intended it at all. Therefore, it is best to learn how to fend off these invisible beings whenever possible.

They seem to appear often where there's anger and pain. For instance, they often seem to hang around funeral homes and hospitals. They are also often found in places where there is inner sadness; most notably in prisons or on battlefields. They are attracted to sorrow and quite possibly feed on these emotions.

As they are predominantly demonic in nature, these shadowy creatures will assume any shape that will help them gain access to you and/or your loved ones. They can look like almost anything. Sometimes they may seem to be sinister and intimidating, but in some cases, they are harmless or even benevolent if you get to know them and treat them with kindness. This is good because if you treat them with kindness then they will learn how to respond accordingly, and so you could eventually befriend them of their own volition. However, if the shadow people have been particularly malicious or mischievous in your life, then you may want to take a stronger stance against these creatures.

Another theory is some shadow people are interdimensional beings. They are from a different dimension than we are, and as such, they are able to shift in and out of our realm. They do not really have a very strong anchor to any one place or time. Therefore, if we are able to get a hold of them then it is possible to basically draw them into our realm and make them physical. There might be a way to tie them to us or a place so they can't just disappear as easily. They like to shift in and out of different realms because there are fewer restrictions in those worlds.

In this case, it is possible that the shadow people may have once been demons or with the negative energies of this world. However, since time immemorial, they may have shifted dimensions enough times so that they became beings who were not bound by anything such as negative emotions or human ethics or morals. Therefore, they can appear at any time or anywhere. They could appear as malevolent beings, benevolent beings, or even just normal people!

We will discuss protecting yourself in future articles. For now, we will focus on diagnosing shadow people. The most common characteristic of shadow people is that they move from one spot to another. They are often seen moving around, but there are some people who may only see them for a few seconds or minutes and then they vanish. This is common.

There are also occurrences where a person may experience shadow people touching them, either directly or indirectly. Physical contact is very uncommon as most shadow people are bound by certain rules which forbid them from physically harming or killing you it seems.

Some people have reported seeing shadow people in the corner of their eyes when no one is there. If you see a shadow person, then there are ways you can ward them off and protect yourself from them. Optimism is the key here. You should not fear the shadow people as they are often just trying to mess with you or get your attention for some other reason, but instead, try to maintain the attitude that everything is okay and there is nothing to be concerned about as long as no harm comes to yourself or those around you.